How to CLYNK
Discover how simple CLYNK makes bottle redemption with bag drop!

1. Create your free account
There are three ways to get started:
- click the button below to get started.
- Kiosk sign-up: visit any participating grocer’s CLYNK kiosk, take a CLYNK card, and follow the steps for a guided account setup.
- Call CLYNK’s customer support team: we will mail you a kit to get started (866-883-4113)
2. CLYNK bags & tags
You can purchase CLYNK bags inside the store, typically near the kiosk or check-out lanes.
We sell CLYNK bags at cost which means we don’t make a profit.
Bag tag stickers: print your bag tags at the kiosk. Bag tags are how we identify the bag as yours and the containers inside it. The tags provide your account number; each tag is serialized, so only put one tag per bag. Tags are free.
3. Preparing your bags
Fill your CLYNK bag with mixed redeemables on which you paid a deposit. Mixed redeemables (plastic, aluminum, and glass) can all be in the same bag. Tie the bag tight and adhere one bag tag sticker in the designated spot. Visit one of our redemption stations located either in the parking lot or inside the store. Scan your bag tag to unlock the door and drop your bag inside. We take care of the rest!
4. Getting paid
Funds will be automatically deposited into your account within 24-48 hours. Visit the same kiosk you did to print bag tags:
- Scan your account code (from the app or your card)
- Enter your 4-digit PIN
- Select “Withdraw Funds” and enter the amount you’d like to withdraw
- Retrieve the printed receipt and log out of your account
- Take your receipt to a checkout line and an associate will give you cash or apply the funds toward your groceries

1. Bag it
Fill your green CLYNK bag with redeemable containers

2. Scan it
Scan your unique bag code at a CLYNK Sustainability Station

3. Drop it
Drop the bag off and go!

Sign Up Today
Get started with CLYNK
Create your free account in under five minutes.
Accepted Items
No two bottle bills are the same. Find out what can and cannot go in your CLYNK bag.

Download the CLYNK App
Take CLYNK with you on the go. Simplify your experience with a digital card, instant balance, and more! Download now.
Log in to your CLYNK account
You’re a few clicks away from your environmental impact stats, donating to your favorite charity, viewing your account balance, and more!