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Photo collage of 10 Mainebiz "On the Record" interviewees in 2009.

These business movers and shakers were interviewed by Mainebiz in 2019 for “On the Record” in print and online.

By Renee Cordes

As 2019 draws to a close, Mainebiz has selected highlights from 10 of our “On the Record” interviews this year. The interviews appear in every print edition and online, and the next one is due out Jan. 13, in our first print issue of the new year and decade. 

Alison Vanderhoof, CLYNK president and CEO, on what’s unique about the technology at her company (January):

“The history of bottle redemption is that it’s a very manual, gritty, hand-count business … Our technology allows us to scan every single container, so we get the bar code and can give the beverage distributors a full accounting for every single container that we’re asking to be paid on. That’s not unique in the world of technology, but applying that to this industry is.”

Lone Pine Brewing founders Tom Madden and John Paul, advice to fellow entrepreneurs (February):

Tom Madden: “Be adaptable! We ran into every hurdle you can both good and bad, and we had issues with product being out of stock and still do, which is a good problem. We also had the journey of opening now multiple tasting rooms and learning on the fly. A lot of this is being willing to put your head down, go through the process and be pliable, and understand that challenges are going to come — and don’t see it as the world when they do.”

John Paul: From a financial perspective, give yourself a bigger buffer than you can think of in any part of the business.”

Tom Madden: “Or be prepared to eat Ramen for an entire summer!”

Singer-songwriter Janay Woodruffon being an artist and an entrepreneur (March):

“My folks are entrepreneurs, they have a construction company they started when I was an adult and I helped them build. I was raised to work really hard — and if you have that drive, why not work for yourself? There are days where it’s hard, but I like wearing all the hats and it’s fun because you get to make all the decisions.”

Marcia Feller, owner of Couleur Collection, on the future of her Falmouth retail business (June):

“I have this fantasy that there’s some 45- to 50-year-old woman who will walk in someday with a business/financial background, has that younger energy and says, ‘You know, this could go nationwide or it should be an online business’ — to take it to another dimension that I’m not going to do in my 70s.”

Portland Symphony Orchestra music director Eckart Preu, on the pressure to deliver an attention-grabbing first season (July):

“There’s always that pressure, particularly the first season. But I’ve learned that anything you do with an orchestra will take time, so it will not be that all of a sudden the orchestra will sound totally different. Having said that, of course it will be a stunning season.”

Bob Smith, majority owner of Phippsburg’s Sebasco Harbor Resort, on one challenge of running a seasonal business in Maine (August):

“We have a lot of returning guests every year, but that last little difference between having a good year and having a great year is how the weather cooperates when you’re on a seasonal coastal resort.”

Raymond Rice, president and provost of the University of Maine at Presque Isle, on his priorities this year (September):

“My immediate priority is making sure our incoming class feels welcome and happy and oriented here toward the university. We will also continue to work with [University of Maine at] Fort Kent and with Northern Maine Community College, to ensure we have good synergies. We really need to work together to meet workforce needs and keep the community vibrant.”

Nicola Morris, WEX chief corporate development officeron WEX’s deal team (October):

“It’s a small-but-mighty team of about six people who do M&A and integration. They work with all of the functional organizations across the company, so it’s never them alone. We look a little bit like a small army when we’re actually doing deals, but it’s because we want to make sure we’ve got the subject matter experts and the people who ultimately will be accountable, post the acquisition and post the integration.”

Taki Miyamoto, Pierce Atwood attorney and managing partner at Salt Pump Climbing Co.on his long-term business planning (November):

“It’s a constant work in progress, and a constant conversation. We blew away our initial projections, which is a good thing, and we’re constantly keeping an eye on opportunities. For us, real estate is one of the big challenges. Our facility needs are unique, and zoning can be an issue.” 

Brett Wickard, Bull Moose founder and owner, on what Bull Moose is doing right (December):

“We quickly realized that our edge is community and knowing our folks, and that if we listen to one another, we can adapt. So really pay attention to what people are buying, and who’s buying it, and we adapt.